Civil Society Organisations (CSO) Dialogue on the sidelines of the AU Mid Committee Meeting 14-17th July, Lusaka.
AU Mid Committee Meeting 14-17th July
FIAN Zambia, Action Aid Zambia, PELUM Zambia, Caritas Zambia, Zambia Climate Change Network (ZCCN) Community Development, Technology Development Trust (CTDT), Zambia Alliance for Agro ecology and Biodiversity (ZAAB), Zambia Social Forum, (ZAMSOF), CUTS-International, Easter and Southern Africa Small Scale Farmers Forum (ESSAF),
Green Living Movement (GML), CUTS-International Zambia, and Sustainable Innovation Africa (SIA), hosted a dialogue alongside the Africa Union 4th Mid-Year Coordinating Committee Meeting, held at Radisson Blu Hotel Lusaka. The dialogue was held from the 14th to 17th July 2022, under the theme “Building resilience through indigenous seeds and food systems for Nutrition and Food Sovereignty.
The dialogue was held alongside an exhibition of indigenous seeds and foods in line with the AU Mid Coordinating Session, “Building Resilience in Nutrition and Food Security on the African Continent: Strengthen Agriculture, Accelerate the Human Capital, Social and Economic Development”.
The CSO presented key demands to the African Union through Economic Social and Cultural Council (ECOSOCC).
FIAN Zambia this year is participating at the 94th Agriculture and Commercial Show in Lusaka whose theme; theme ‘’Innovation through Technology’’ FIAN Zambia is advocating for Technology which does not undermine the existence of Farmer Managed Seed Systems, indigenous food varieties and which supports the health of the ecosystem and biodiversity.
This platform provides an opportunity to exchange with various organisations on how Zambia can challenge malnutrition through agroecology, secure land tenure, and guaranteed protection of natural resources against the corporate takeover.
Capacity Building for Media and Civil Society Organisations (CSO)s on Economic Social and Cultural Rights (ESCR) - 2022
Capacity Building for Media and Civil Society Organisations (CSO)s on Economic Social and Cultural Rights (ESCR) 31st August 2022
FIAN Zambia and FIAN Germany held a one-day capacity building for media and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) on Economic Social and Culture Rights (ESCR). The meeting was aimed at equipping CSO and media with knowledge of ESCR as well as the importance of documenting and reporting on human rights violations. The knowledge acquired is to help CSOs and media to hold Government Accountable and advocate for the Justiciability of ESCR.
The meeting brought together over 30 media and CSOs participants from different parts of the country among them Zambia Climate Change Network (ZCCN), Caritas Zambia, PELUM Zambia, Zambia Alliance for Agroecology and Biodiversity (ZAAB), CUTS International Zambia, Prime TV, Diamond TV, Times of Zambia, Zambia Social Forum, Chimbombo Child Development Agency, HOT FM, Chedic Associates to mention a few.
Civil Society Organisations (CSO) Dialogue on the sidelines of the 42nd SADC Summit of Head of State and Government Meeting
42nd SADC Summit of Head of State and Government Meeting - 2022
In reference to the 42nd Southern African Development Community (SADC) Summit of Heads of State and Government, meeting which was held from 16-18th August 2022, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Kinshasa.
45 participants representing Civil Society Organisations from African Civil Society Organisations (CSO’s) gathered in Lusaka on the side-lines of the SADC Meeting 17-18th July, Lusaka; under the Theme: Challenging extractivism and reclaiming our resources for people-centred development in SADC.’
This event was convened by Consumer Unity and Trust Society (CUTS Zambia), PELUM Zambia, FIAN Zamba,
Eastern and Southern Africa Small Scale Farmers Forum (ESSAF) Zambia, Action Aid Zambia, Zambia Social Forum (ZAMSOF), Cross Boarder Traders Association of Zambia (CBTAZ), Zambia Alliance for Agro ecology and Biodiversity (ZAAB).
Presentation of Reports to the Zambia Human Rights Commission, 29th of April 2022
Presentation of Reports to the Zambia Human Rights Commission, 29th of April 2022
FIAN Zambia and FIAN Germany submitted three reports titled:
(1) Human Rights violations for Large Scale Agriculture Production in Mumbwa District of Zambia; Analysis of the Amatheon Case from the Human Rights Perspective.
(2) Land Grabbing and Human Rights Violations for Cement Factory in Masaiti District of Zambia; Analysis of the Dangote Case from a Human Rights Perspective.
(3) Land Grabbing and Human Rights Violations for Palm Oil In Kanchibiya District of Zambia; Analysis of the ZAMPALM Case from a Human Rights Perspective.
Kalwanjembe Community Meeting April 2022
Kalwanjembe Community Meeting 2022
This meeting was attended by Senior Government Officials, FIAN Germany, FIAN Zambia and community members from Kalwanjembe Community. This meeting was held following the Tripartite meeting on the 9th of April 2021 facilitated by FIAN at the Big Concession School in Mumbwa District.
The meeting was attended by FIAN Zambia, Zambian Government, Amatheon Agri Limited, His Royal Highness Chief Kaindu, and affected community members from kalwanjembe ward in Mumbwa District. The meeting was held in order to find a solution to the concerns of the affected communities as highlighted in the FIAN Case Report; Human Rights violations for Large Scale Agriculture Production in Mumbwa District of Zambia; Analysis of Amatheon Case from a Human Rights Perspective. During the meeting, it was resolved that a follow-up meeting be held so that the Managing Director of Amatheon Zambia participates in the suggested meeting.
Latter discussions were held between the District Commissioner for Mumbwa Ms. Namukolo Munalula Hayumba in March 2022, two Community Representatives and FIAN Zambia at which it was agreed that a Tripartite meeting be held in Mumbwa on 27th April 2022.
Capacity Building for Civil Society Organizations on ETO’s 2022
CSO Extra Territorial Obligations (ETO) TRAining
FIAN Zambia, FIAN Germany and Zambia Alliance for Agroecology and Biodiversity (ZAAB) held a day Training for Civil Society Organizations on Extra Territorial Obligations of States in the Context of Farmers Rights on 27th April 2022 at Lusaka.
The training discussed farmers’ rights from a different perspective and looked at international instruments that are available to seek redress for farmers’ rights such as Extra Territorial Obligations (ETO’S) of states. Foreign companies have obligations when it comes to protecting and respecting human rights and part of those rights are farmers’ rights.
Extra Territorial Obligations of states can be used to hold companies and their states accountable. Other available instruments include the International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) and the United Nations Declarations on the Right of Peasants and other People Working in Rural Areas (UNDROP).
Capacity building on undrop - chinchi wabili
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Capacity building on undrop - magoye
2021 Zambia traditional seed and food festival
Right to Food and Nutrition:
Building a Pan-African and Decolonial Recovery Plan for Southern African Region
20 May to 22 May 2021 (click here to download)
Report RtFN Regional Meeting, Lusaka
CSO Meeting With Zambian Political Parties on the Farmers Manifesto
The 4th Zambia Traditional Seed and Food Festival – 2021